AxForum Software online deal booking solution is a full and complete system for FX delivery transactions. This is the online solution that allows your customer to buy and sell currencies in order to transfer their funds to their designated beneficiary world-wide. It is extremely important for foreign exchange firms to keep the reasonable profit margin under best possible real-time rates, and serve the customers better that anywhere else. Automated dealing and settlement solution is the key to business growth.
Our solution is affordable for big as well as small-size companies. We work on different pricing modules. We work out pricing based on the amount of efforts during project estimation. We need to first provide you the demonstration of the product and understand your current business processes, and how much we need to automate. Thereafter, based upon the efforts required, we shall be able to provide you with the cost element.
Our company can send and receive funds in a wide variety of medium, global or otherwise. Axforum Software experts can minutely trace and verify any of transactions. These include:
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